

估唔到早幾日影低張相, 咁有用!
雖然又痛又痺, 又唔可以食咖喱, 又要成日刷牙, 又要做醜女, 不過見到有進步, 都有好大鼓勵.


我想現在上排的牙位置大致上已移好了, 因為近來兩次換金屬絲後, 都不會有痲痺的感覺. 從前有隻門牙突了出來, 我的嘴唇也是歪的, 現在都齊整了.

現在到了戲肉- 就是箍下排牙的時候. 現在要把牙齒的位置從內至外擴張. 由於下排兩旁位置和上排不很著位, 我又有over-bite, 現在什麼都咬不到, 加上下排牙剛上箍, 感覺很痺, 痺得有點痛. 現在甚麼固體都吃不了, 只能吃粥和麥皮. 今天早上吃麥皮的時候加了點消化餅, 用舌頭弄碎消化餅, 算是吃得下去.

感到自己變成了一個baby @_@

It’s turn for my lower jaw getting orthodontia.

I suppose positions of most of teeth on my upper jaw are fixed as I have no pain after last two adjustments. One of my front tooth was disordered but now it’s aligned with others. My upper lip was lopsided originally but it’s symmetrical now.

It’s time for the real impact of my mouth – my lower jaw. My teeth are needed to be stretched. As my jaws are over-bite and molar teeth at my lower jaw can’t reach my upper jaw, I can bite nothing. I feel painful. I can’t eat solid food. I can only eat rice porridge or wheat flakes. I added some digestive biscuits in my bowl of wheat flakes in this morning. I used my tongue to shatter the biscuits and fortunately I can eat something.

Seems I’m a baby. @_@

終於剝完右邊, 今次未開始已經驚, 可能係因為經歷過上一次. 好彩過程還算順利, 不過好辛苦, 好倦, 整完由趁所行落街果陣, 覺得成個人冇曬力. 個口又痛又痺. 返到屋企照照鏡, 見到咀唇損左, 不過對於呢一點冇乜感覺, 俾個口入面既又痛又痺掩蓋左.

身心受創既感覺, 好想喊, 嗚嗚嗚…

今個禮拜六就要剝右邊智慧牙, 希望剝完仲有命去廣西.

I’ll have my right upper wisdom tooth extraction on Sat. Hope that I can survive and go to Guang Xi.

詩班要在婚禮中獻唱, 練練下突然發覺自己每次要唱出"同"字的時候, 右邊咀的皮肉都會被牙齒上的鐵線夾著, 要張開口學像"乜太"般歪一歪咀才能回復正常. 這是否可謂語言障礙?

Our choir sang in a wedding service. When I was practicing, I discovered that my mouth skin will be stuck to the metal wire and I have to make an odd face in order to recover. Is it a case of speech and language disorders?

本來是很少吃M記的. 近來不能吃豬仔包, 卻發現了肚餓時最好用作充饑的東西:


漢堡包好吃, 麵包又軟又易咬
很便宜啊 @_@


I seldom eat Mc’s. However, I discovered something good for burying my hunger as I can’t eat hard bun:

Mc’s 1+2+3 happy meal

I love hamburger. The bread is soft and easy for me to bite.
I choose corns and Qoo soya.
Price is low. It’s cheap.

-end of advertisement-

前天拔了智慧牙後, 昨日起床不感到痛, 所以停了服用止痛藥, 只吃消炎消腫藥和抗生素, 傷口也沒有再流血了. 用舌頭可以感覺到聯針的線, 感覺怪怪的.

昨日吃了一天粥, 清淡到受不了. 還好只拔了左邊的牙, 昨晚可以開始用右邊的牙, 吃一些比較柔軟的固體食物. 吃了些薯蓉, 哇! 簡直是荒漠中的甘泉~ 仍然小心用右邊慢慢咀嚼, 避免拉扯到左邊的傷口.

初時刷牙只能輕輕地刷傷口附近的牙齒, 生怕碰到傷口. 晚上吃過薯蓉後開始嚐試用牙膏刷牙, 好像問題不大了, 只是刷到傷口附近, 又不好沾到牙膏, 並且只能輕輕小心刷. 希望快點復原, 可以放心刷牙就好了.

向來不認為自己愛美, 但這次經驗使我確切地體驗到甚麼是"要靚唔要命".

I didn’t feel painful last morning after my wisdom tooth extracted on Monday. I took anti-inflammatory and antibiotics without anodyne. The wound didn’t bleed anymore. I can feel the knitted filament when I lick. The feeling is quite strange.

I could only eat tasteless porridge of rice yesterday. Fortunately, there was only my left upper wisdom tooth extracted. I can use my right side teeth to eat some soft solid food. I ate some
mashed potato and that is wonderful! I had to use my right side teeth to chew carefully.

Last morning I brushed my teeth lightly. I tried to brush my teeth very carefully with tooth paste and more strength last night. Hope that the wound will restore quickly and I can brush my teeth freely.

I have never thought that I care much about my appearance. However, I experienced “love beauty but not to love life" exactly in this time.

我需要脫掉上排牙左右兩旁的智慧牙. 我的情況比較複雜, 一般人脫智慧牙頂多是剖開牙肉就可以把牙拔出來, 但我的牙還在骨裏, 未生出來, 要鑽開包著牙齒四周的骨, 才可以把牙齒拔出來.

我的口一直張著, 牙醫不斷用各種用具車呀車, 撬呀撬, 經過一個半小時的搏鬥, 終於聽到牙醫說牙齒已被拔出來了. 本來我想一次過脫去左右兩邊的智慧牙, 但牙醫也不建議我這樣做. 我想這也是對的, 我已經累得打不開口了, 只好留待下次繼續受吧.

手術做完了一小時, 現在傷口不很痛, 但口張得太久很累. 沒有請病假, 還在上班.

I have to get my two upper wisdom teeth extracted. My case is complex. Extractions of wisdom teeth of other people are usually to split the gum and extract the teeth, but my wisdom teeth are in the bone. The operation is to split the gum, break the bone and then extract the teeth.

The dentist dug and pried using many different kinds of tools and I kept my mouth opened for one and a half hour. Finally my dentist told me that the tooth is extracted. I would like to extract all my two upper wisdom teeth in one time. However, the dentist said that it would be better for me to take a rest and do the another extraction next time. My mouth is so tired that I couldn’t keep opening anymore.

One hour after the operation, I don’t feel very pain but my mouth is still tired. I haven’t taken any sick leave and I’m working in office now.


不習慣, 牙艱有麻痺的感覺, 門牙一使力就痛, 吃東西時甚麼都咬不到, 咬得痛時又不想吃下去.
望著水蟹, 只有當作看不見, 專心努力地咬著米粉, 哇哇哇, 好痛.

有些比較尖的鐵絲突出來, 令牙齒周圍口裏的皮膚都很不自然.
小組時讓學生看看矯正器上橡筋的顏色, 看著她們笑得人仰馬翻的情景, 心裏實在感到安慰, 總算不枉我選了綠色…為搏紅顏一笑!

可以用後面的大牙吃東西, 但由於咬合位置不習慣, 感到牙艱酸痛疲累, 但又總覺得自己吃不夠.
不斷飲水, 口不乾時, 矯正器上的尖突處周圍的皮膚就不那麼難受.

去天水圍參加婚宴時, 由於不能用門牙把食物咬開, 於是向侍應要了一份刀叉, 整圍酒席上就獨我一人用刀叉吃東西, 一生中第一次用刀叉吃燒豬, 把豬背的脆脆的皮肉用刀削出來. 吃魚翅當然不必使用刀叉. 我以為東星斑可以是席中唯一可以用筷子吃的菜餚, 但那東星班居然是"實力堅強", 最後我只能投降, 用刀叉吃東星斑.

感到上排牙齒的兩側正在向內推進, 比從前與下排牙齒的距離接近了, 有點鼓勵.
每次吃東西都努力地吃東西, 但每次吃東西都吃不了所有東西.

為了試味而吃了一個冰皮月餅, 但冰皮實在很黏牙, 擦牙擦到流牙血.
似乎不能喝太濃的茶, 否則牙齒會感覺怪怪的.
說話時感到比較自然了, 沒有再怎樣在意自己正在箍牙, 能自然地笑出來.

生飛滋, 痛, 山珍海味都吃不下了. 吃甚麼都要刷牙, 不刷會不舒服, 包括心裏不舒服和牙齒不舒服.

開始習慣了, 不再被矯正器的尖角弄得口腔不舒適.
可以用門牙咬開墨魚丸了! 萬歲!

現在開始等待下星期會做的一個步驟: 脫去上排牙的兩隻智慧齒

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