
It’s long since last time I posted about reading a book (ok, ok, it’s long since last post last time I posted)

Being very very far far away from my beloved book shelves in my macau home, at least I can have handful books with me by now.

However, I can’t read my lovely books recently. I have to study professional books for certifications during this year. I’ve finished one cert exam in April, painfully and hardly because I only gave my-poor-self 1 month for study. I swear I will never treat myself so cruel anymore!!

I’m preparing another coming exam. I’ve done 1 book, but there are still 3 books to read. I got a cold last week and that made me can’t study at all. Normally I can finish at least 50 pages everyday, but I am out of schedule now since my cold. I’ve just recovered. Wish that I can return to my normal tempo.

My target is to finish the next exam in Oct and return to my beloved books, addoil!

I saw the loneliness of SF fans in this movie.

Just like the circumstances in the movie, SF is not so popular as traditional love stories. For some people who only want to find excitement for sense, or find something touching, these are not what this movie is going to talk about.

I saw the happiness of having a wife who is a soul mate for you: a wife who understand you so much, accept your whole person, admire and believe your ability, respect and support your work.

How much the happiness is, how much the grief of loss would be.

You may notice lyrics of the song “I would be true" that put in my blog’s widget. I read 蘇恩佩’s book “死亡別狂傲" and I saw the lyrics. I love the lyrics so much because it always encourage me no matter what I am facing. I had never thought about searching for the actual song to hear, until one day my friend May told me about this song she saw in my blog, is a certain Chinese version “我要真誠", and I discovered this song gets two melodies. I had already known and sang this song in many different lyrics with two series of melodies “我要真誠" and “Danny Boy" for years, even sang in choirs for many times. Thanks May for letting me know that. I moved by the lyrics in past, now I love the whole song.

I love Danny Boy by Eva Cassidy for many years and I have never heard any person perform this song moving me so much

This is a version in yout ube I found recently, a very nice Tenor, duet with an Alto.








哈, 好耐冇寫, 失驚無神又寫下, 想寫就寫囉.

報告下我近況, 斬下眼就由昔日既"鑽石黃小姐"變左師奶…
係呀, 我唔介意人地話我係師奶, 我認架~

斬下眼又由澳門搬返去香港, 工就梗係轉左, 但有一樣無變既係仍舊響D不毛地帶返工.

我唔會話自己轉教會, 我生係宣道堂既人, (響個浸池生出來嘛)
一生一世冇走雞既喇, 不過好難學似以前響香港做野果時咁,
個個禮拜返澳門, 就返老公返開果間囉.

轉變, 由當初的一切不適應和煩惱, 進展至現在的平穩順利, 很不容易, 猶如夢境.

It’s long since my last post. I suddenly want to post, so post.

Would like to tell you that I got married. Still remember the days when I was single. I’m someone’s wife now, but not a desperate one.

I have moved to HK to live again. I changed my job but I am still working at a desert place.

I will not tell that I’ve changed church. I’m Shun Tao church person since I baptized. However, it’s hard for me to go to macau every weekend like before. I’m going to my hubby’s one.

Change, from discomfort and distress to current smooth, it’s not easy, like a long dream. Will tell you details later.

又一親自包裝製作, 這次出來的效果自己也很滿意呢~
但若沒有神的創作大能, 提供美麗的鮮花, 必定甚麼都作不成.

“是不是因為我所愛的人是他, 所以我要承受這些怨恨和羞辱?"

如果我容許這種自私的想法萌芽, 生根, 延續, 並傷害身邊的人,
一邊要求吃肉的以色列人, 有何分別!?

還記得nick在佈道會中分享的見證. 借來修改一下給我用一會兒.

如果神為了我今天的感受而把這些難處, 怨恨和羞辱即時除去,
一天, 我回到天家門前, 輕輕叩門.

天父在門後深深地嘆一口氣, 說:

“女兒啊, 你這僅僅合格得救的人,
承受所愛的人的出賣, 背棄, 怨恨,
被那些不知道自己在做甚麼的人鞭打, 折磨死,
我體諒你的軟弱, 給你機會去從一個最少苦多甜的方式, 體驗他所經歷過的
從至暫至輕的痛苦中, 了解我對你的愛是怎樣長闊高深
我看在我的獨生子的份上, 給你進來
我對我的這個決定, 是何等的心痛!"


在網上只能找到此版本是比較像樣的. 我喜歡仁愛詩班唱的版本多些.

“不要怕 不要慌 風會停 浪會息 你要專心倚靠我 我會在你身旁"