十二月 2009

Finally I’ve started to read this book. O Palmer Robertson analyses different kinds of sexual relationships, based on the book of Genesis in bible. I’m still reading, and feeling the author touches my heart.

“Unrequited love is a reality that must be faced by many people. This heartrending situation may extend across the years, and never be resolved with any satisfaction. Leah must be commended for displaying a faith that continued to look to the Lord in her distress. Even though she showed her resentment toward her sister in a very human response, she nonetheless persisted in crying out to the Lord and acknowledging his gracious help. Little more can be expected of God’s people who suffer from unrequited love in any generation."

“Virtually any marriage can work, so long as people are willing to surrender personal preferences for the greater good of a stable relationship."

From now on, I have to make myself become a haphazard person, and dump my original format of living: always fine planed and do everything effectively. Because I’ve entered a haphazard place, and I just want to love people at this place. I must love them more than my life.

此書發掘二戰後期及國共內戰中, 很多身處當中的人的經歷.

知道的人不多, 去探究的人更少.
但也是這些, 塑造了先輩的成長背景.

今天, 我們懂得珍惜的幸福又有多少?

一面讀著命運的巨輪在黃土大地上轉動, 內心感慨著那些人面對歷史洪流的那種無力感.

“無力感", 澳門人絕不會陌生的那種抑鬱.

正要下筆之際, 想起自己曾經寫過一篇Quality Time. 剛好兩年前的舊文, 一讀卻心中感到驚訝. 原來我離開從前的自己, 變化了那麼多. 文中提到幾年前一次購物, 我只用了廿分鐘就選購了兩件貨品. 但現在, 對我來說, 購物不是一個人的事, 而且與一同逛街買東西的人互動的美好時光.

前天和亞妹一同逛街購物. 難得的是能和她找尋心頭好的過程. 最後買了她選中的那對鞋, 她穿得實在十分好看啊. 看她穿在腳上, 愉快地對著鏡子轉圈, 看著她的笑容, 我的內心是那麼的喜悅.

回家路上, 亞妹感嘆了一句: “有點可惜, 不是普天同慶…" 因為我也試穿了一對我看中了的款式的鞋, 但最後因為太貴沒有買. “不要緊!" 我滿懷希望地笑著說, “一定可以在別家店找到更漂亮又更便宜的!"

是的, 鞋確是用了錢去買, 但美麗的歡騰, 喜悅的感覺, 體貼和關心的對話, 就是錢買不到, 但又最貴最重的東西.

“天國好像藏在田裡的寶貝,有人發現了,就把它藏起來,高高興興地離去,變賣了他的一切,來買那田地" 太13:44
從前不很了解這個人的心情, 為何變賣了他的一切, 卻毫無失落之意, 倒是高高興興的. 現在, 總算能體會到了.

感謝上帝所賜的禮物. 感謝大方地與我分享上帝的禮物的人.